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Genital Warts Treatment in Men and Women

Genital warts or a version of HPV, (human papillomavirus) is extremely common across the globe. Genital warts are thought to affect 400,000 people annually, most of whom are in their late teens and early twenties.

What exactly are genital warts?


Genital warts or a version of HPV, or the human papillomavirus, is extremely common across the globe. Genital warts are thought to affect 400,000 people annually, most of whom are in their late teens and early twenties. The most prevalent STD is HPV, which is the virus that creates these warts. The HPV virus is present in 79 million Americans. There are several varieties of HPV. Some do not result in genital warts.


You could be experiencing an outbreak of genital warts if you’ve seen tender pink or flesh-colored lumps around your genital region. On of the most common questions we get is what is genital warts? Well, certain strains of the human papillomavirus can create cauliflower-like growths known as genital warts (HPV). Among STDs, they are one of the most prevalent (STIs or sexually transmitted infection). They are often transferred via anal or vaginal intercourse, with oral sex being a rare exception.



Genital Warts Symptoms and Indicators


Genital warts can develop on the vulva, vaginal walls, perineum, cervical, anal canal, and anus. The base or tip of the penis and scrotum might also develop genital warts in men. These may also appear in the mouth or throat of a person who has had oral intercourse with an HPV-infected individual. The human eye cannot always easily see genital warts. They might be quite small and either slightly darker or the same color as the skin. Once you’ve detected them it’s important to treat and eliminate them. 



Following are Genital warts’ symptoms and warning indications of genital warts:



  • Small pimples in the vaginal area are flesh-colored, pink, or brown.
  • If many are placed closely together, they will resemble cauliflower.
  • Itching and discomfort in the genital area
  • Bleeding when having sex
  • burning sensations
  • physical discomfort



Where do genital warts develop?


Genital warts symptoms can appear on the genitalia and can spread to: 


  • Groin 
  • both within and without the anus.
  • Mouth, tongue, lips, or throat.
  • Scrotum and penis 
  • Vagina (includes the inside of the vagina), vulva, labia majora and minora on the vaginal lips, and cervix 





How To Treat Genital Warts



Genital warts may naturally disappear, however, they might also grow and/or proliferate. There are many different ways and methods on how to treat genital warts in a medical office, but also how to treat genital warts at home. Genital warts treatment in men can be implemented in a variety of methods until the warts are either removed or disappear. Wart removal may need numerous treatments, so try to be patient. 

If you choose a medical practitioner, the majority of the time you’ll initially be given an anesthetic to numb the treatment region. You should refrain from sexual activity while receiving therapy because the open warts are contagious, especially when disturbed by treatments. 


The same goes for the treatment of genital warts in women, because treatments for both men and women are pretty much the same; your doctor may choose one of the following methods:



Electrocautery: Warts are removed by electrocautery using an electric current.

Freezing with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy): Warts are frozen and destroyed during cryotherapy by your healthcare professional’s application of liquid nitrogen.

Laser therapy: By destroying the microscopic blood vessels inside warts, laser light can stop their blood flow.


Loop electrosurgical excision treatment (LEEP): With LEEP, your doctor removes warts using an electrically charged wire loop. This technique can be used by a doctor to remove warts from a woman’s cervix.


Topical (skin) medication: You apply an over-the-counter chemical solution to warts once weekly for a few weeks. The chemical stops blood flow by causing blisters to develop beneath warts. Your provider could use this remedy in some situations. In the office, your physician will apply the topical TCA solution. 


Medication: When necessary, your doctor may also write a prescription for a topical medication, which the patient is to self-administer at home for a specified period:



  • Sinecatechins: This cream is intended to treat warts on the outside of the genitalia and those in or near the anal canal. Skin reddening, itching, burning, and soreness are among the most common side effects.
  • Trichloroacetic acid: This chemical procedure can be used to remove internal warts in addition to genital warts. Sores, discomfort, and minor skin irritation are possible side effects.
  • Podophyllin and Podofilox: A resin derived from plants called podophyllin kills the tissue of genital warts. Your doctor applies this remedy. The same active ingredient is included in podofilox, but you can use it at home.
  • Imiquimod: This ointment seems to increase the capability of your immune system to combat genital warts. While the lotion is on your skin, avoid having intercourse. It can cause your partner’s skin to become irritated and weaken condoms and diaphragms.



Surgery: If a wart is huge or doesn’t respond to previous treatments, your doctor may remove it surgically which usually results in scarring.



Genital Warts Treatments at Home (Natural Remedies)



There are many different ways and means of treating genital warts at home. It’s important to remember that because HPV is a virus you won’t “cure” it. HPV is a virus that once inside our bodies and immune system, lives within us. 

There are many effective over the counter and natural treatments that we will explore in another article.That being said, the initial goal with genital warts treatments is to break down the warts and get them to go away or go dormant. Ways to get rid of genital warts at home using natural remedies:


  • Garlic
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Oil of Oregano
  • CBD Oil


Once symptoms disappear the warts could surface again in the future. Generally speaking, if they are removed effectively, they generally become a non-issue.



What to do

There are many different genital wart treatments for men and women. When warts appear, it’s important to have them diagnosed by a medical professional. Other STI’s could look like or be mistaken for genital warts. 


The good news? You can treat genital warts safely at home with products like Somxl cream (Amazon)Warticide (Amazon) and Terrasil (Amazon)


Somxl cream is a powerful and less painful treatment than some conventional medical ones. Warticide is a little more aggressive in that it’s a salicylic gel and stings a bit more. Terrasil is a less aggressive more natural alternative. You might even consider more than one if you need a more aggressive course of treatment. There are natural remedies like garlic, vinegar and oil… wait. Is this salad dressing? Kind of. BUT – it works! We will explore the natural and concerted treatment in another article. If you need relief and want to treat your genital warts safely at home, click around at and find the help you need.

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Genital warts or a version of HPV, (human papillomavirus) is extremely common across the globe. Genital warts are thought to affect 400,000 people annually, most of whom are in their late teens and early twenties.

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